Capture program all applications on Windows Vista

Create: Ven, 2011-08-26 11:30
Author: mazarick

My 4 y.o. preloaded vista hard drive is about to crash. The drive still works now, but it overheats and shuts down. In an effort to save what I can, I purchased a new Acer WIn7 machine and put the old hd in a USB case. I know enough to know what I don't know, and I believe I'm in deep kimshi. As you can guess, I've been putting apps this machine for ~4 years. I had saved some critical data files via a previous USB based copy and they are on the new machine. If I had to pick something that would be a major hassle or expense to duplicate, it would be the Office suite, because I had a legitimate copy of OutLook, Visio, Excel, Word, PowerPoint, scanning tools, etc. Naturally, there's a lot of other things I haven't even thought about, so I'll need someone to 'watch my back' while I go thru the exercise of pulling a few apps/data, letting the hard disk cool off and repeating until the original drive finally dies. I think I'm ready to start, so send me a note or post a message in the forum when (not if) I run into trouble. -Mike