T-APP Application Description (TAD) format is an extension of the PAD format. It specifies silent or unattended installation instructions. The current version supports silent installations of the following installer types.
- Installers: MSI, NSIS , WIZE, Inno Setup
- Command-line directives
- TAP files
The following xml tags could be presented in PAD file.
<Type>NSIS | INNO| WIZE | MSI | CMD | TAP | </Type>
<CmdLine> ---silent swithes that should be used if type is CMD, otherwise ---</CmdLine>
- 7-Zip TAD extension
<PMA> <PMA_Extension_Version>1</PMA_Extension_Version> <PMA_Silent_Install> <Type>MSI</Type> </PMA_Silent_Install> </PMA>
- IrfanView
<PMA> <PMA_Extension_Version>1</PMA_Extension_Version> <PMA_Silent_Install> <Type>INNO</Type> </PMA_Silent_Install> </PMA>
- Opera 16.0.11
<PMA> <PMA_Extension_Version>1</PMA_Extension_Version> <PMA_Silent_Install> <Type>CMD</Type> <CmdLine>/silent /launchopera 0 /desktopshortcut 1 /quicklaunchshortcut 0 /setdefaultbrowser 0 /allusers</CmdLine> </PMA_Silent_Install> </PMA>
PickMeApp PRO will unpacks the downloaded package in zip format . It will search recursively executable to run setup by following order
a) the first TAP file it finds
b) the first setup.exe file it finds
c) the first exe file it finds
d) the first MSI files it finds
if PickMeApp PRO cannot resolve the correct name <EXENAME> tag should be added with the exact name of the executable to run .
- Paint.net.4.1.6.install.zip
<PMA> <PMA_Extension_Version>1</PMA_Extension_Version> <PMA_Silent_Install> <Type>CMD</Type> <CmdLine>/quite </CmdLine> <EXENAME>paint.net.4.1.6.install.exe</EXENAME> </PMA_Silent_Install> </PMA>