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Using PickMeApp

"Copy". "Move" or "Transfer" an Office installation to another computer.

Create: Wed, 2017-11-01 09:37
Author: admin

< Article under construction>

As general rule only retail license allows transfering Microsoft Office from one computer to another.

  • FPP- Full Product Pack
  • HUP - Home Use Program, variation of the FPP, Corporate discount

Also Office "Home and Student" bundle allowed install and activation on up to 3 computers ( "in the home").

Transfer, backup and restore your windows to a new PC using PickMeApp and LiveDrive

Create: Tue, 2011-03-29 11:49
Author: TAppTeam

When you migrate from Windows XP to Windows 7 you need to re-install all your programs anew. This is very boring, error prone process which may take a lot of time. “Where are my installation CDs?”, “What were my settings?”

The PickMeApp tool helps you to capture and recover your XP programs on Windows 7 with only 3 clicks .To complete migration and to capture are recovery your personal files and settings you may use Microsoft Easy Transfer from Microsoft.